KGLL Umpire News

Umpire Training Opportunities

  • Williamsport Clinic - April 10-12 (See Little League link umpire tab for information)
  • Spotsy Little League field mechanics - March 8th @ 2:00PM (location TBD) If interested letĀ KGLL UIC know
  • VA District 15 Clinic - March 15th at Richmond County Ballfields (Qualifies as district training for tournament games)\
  • VA D-9 offering free clinic - March 14 & 15 (if interested please informĀ KGLL UIC as D-9 would like a head count)
  • KGLL Umpires field mechanics - March 22 and 29 @ 2:00PM (location KGMS tentatively)
A lot of good training opportunities please try to attend one (or more if interested).

KGLL Umpires rule discussions are held at Pete Gaithers' house every Thursday 6-8pm (contact KGLL UIC for address/directions)

Umpire Resources

Umpire Schedule

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